Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Keep the Honeymoon Alive.....

Sometimes as the years progress we may let our relationships slip into disarray.

 May I ask you to consider these words…. 

Ø  I’m wrong
Ø  I’m sorry.
Ø  Will you forgive me? 
Ø  I love you. 

Do you think you and your mate might repair your friendship?   What would happen if you both would come together and touch hands and confess the above words.  Do you think your hearts might touch  again? 

What would it hurt to give up the right to be right?   What if you both would humble yourselves and converse again like you did when you were first married?  What would be the outcome then?   Could you learn to love him/her again? 

What about your relationship with God?  Would you be able to confess the above words to Him?  He asks you to humble yourself and to confess your sins and accept Him in your heart. 

Learn to love Him well.   

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